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Superstar Classes


To get on the top spot on Leaderboard requires the Ultimate team of Mayhemer's. A team is more about its players that just the captain. In this case, not everyone needs to be a Chairman. A team requires Superstars who can perform and take their Alliance to victory. Don't just join any Alliance. Look out for Alliances that match your vision and portray the same enthusiasm and passion that you possess.


On reaching level 5 you unlock the Alliance mode. When you enter the mode a tab with Join and Create appears on the screen for people who are not a part of any Alliance. To understand how to Create an Alliance, click here.

When you tap on the Join Tab certain fields appear that help you search for your perfect Alliance. Searching forms the basis of Joining one. There are several ways in which one can search:
BY RECOMMENDATIONS - The right panel of the Join tab features a few Alliances that are available for you to join. You can see the Alliance Name and Tag along with their Alliance Points and the no. of players in that team.

BY NAME - If you already know of an Alliance that you wish to join, you can fill in the Alliance Name in the Name field and try searching for it. You might know of an Alliance from the leaderboards or directly from a friend.

BY TAG - Similar to searching by name, Tags also help you reach for the Alliance that you seek.

BY COUNTRY - You might wish to join an Alliance from a particular Country. It might be your own country or maybe some other. Tap on the Country field to select the country of your choice and search. All the Alliances existing in that country will be shown on the result screen. "Global" Search is set as the default unless you choose to search on the basis of the Country.

BY MEMBER COUNT - Many of your searches might showcase already 10 member teams that can't be joined. Well, you can also send requests to join a 10 member alliance. If you are a stronger alternative the Chairman might consider you. The Member Count field lets you fill in a number and showcases all the Alliances with those many members or below. Choose from what you see.

BY PRIVACY - You can also select Privacy as Closed or Open to search for Alliances. There's another option called "Any" if the privacy status doesn't matter to you.

BY FILTERING RESULTS - You can choose to narrow down your search results for more specific searches by opting for mutliple choices - Country, Member Count, and Privacy options; all at once.

Getting search results doesn't yet convert into finding the Alliance that you are looking for. Search results will churn out several options close to your liking but you have to look into the options closely. Check out the Alliance info and based on that you can decide to either further evaluate the Alliance or reject it. Further evaluation of ana Alliance can be done by looking at the existing members' profiles. The Player Profile sheds enormous light on the players in terms of their performance and their roster. To know more about Player Profiles, click here. You can also decide to join the Alliance or send a request to join a Closed Alliance if you have zeroed down on the one where you find yourself to be a good fit.

Joining the alliance is just the start, but the right start is really important. The right Alliance will also depend on how you or your teammates collaborate and communicate. How well do you synergize towards the common vision? If at any time you feel that there's a gap between you and your alliance's goals you can opt to quit it.

You always join an Alliance as Superstars. Depending on your performance and participation and communication, the Chairman can promote you to the General Manager position in the Alliance who enjoys certain rights above the superstars. The inter-alliance hierarchy is a different topic and has been discussed in detail, here.

So start your alliance journey today by finding your dream team and join them to #BringontheMayhem.

Know More about other aspects of Alliance on the links below:

WWE Mayhem Alliance

Alliance Member Profile

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