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The Alliance mode is here and the race to the top of the leaderboard has begun. But there's no fun if there are not enough competitiors to fight? Creating an Alliance is a lot of responsibility but equally rewarding.


At level 5 when you unlock the Alliance Mode, you're presented with two options. Whether you can Join an Alliance or Create one. We will discuss about creating an Alliance here. To know how can you Join an Alliance, click here.

Once you tap on the Create tab, a box appears with certain information to be filled in respective fields.
ALLIANCE NAME -This is how your Alliance will be recognized. All Alliance names are unique and cannot be less than 3 characters or exceed 20. You cannot use special characters but only the alphabet and numbers.

TAG - An Alliance Tag is generally the abbreviation of your Alliance Name. Its the Alliance Tag that is visible next to a Mayhemer's Username while searching players for recruitment. It also makes searching Alliances easier. The minimum character requirement is 3 and limits to 5. Special characters aren't valid.

COUNTRY - Set the country while creating an Alliance as it also serves as a really important search criterion. Mayhemer's might choose to group with other players from across the globe. 

PRIVACY - You can either set it to Open or Closed. Anyone can join your Alliance if you choose to keep it "Open". If you decide to keep your privacy "Closed", players interested to join your Alliance will be able to send you a request that you may accept or reject.

DESCRIPTION - Attract the best players across the world by writing an impressive Description. You can also set guidelines and requirements to filter Join requests to your Alliance. The minimum character requirement is 5 and limits to 300. Use it creatively.

ICON - There's a pre-defined set of images to choose from and set as your Alliance Icon.

The Alliance Name and Tag, once fixed are uneditable. The Country, Privacy and Description can be changed by the Chairman (Creator of the Alliance). The Chairman can choose to Dissolve an Alliance if there's no other member except the Chairman in that Alliance.

Recruitment is the most important task after you successfully create an Alliance. As the Chairman you would need to pick the best of the players who have a great roster. You can look at player profiles and decide to invite a player to your Alliance or accept their request to join your Alliance, based on the guidelines and requirements you've set for them. The Player Profile sheds enormous light on other players in terms of their performance and their roster. The Chairman should refer to all the information before taking decisions to appoint an Alliance member. The Chairman can also promote Allaince members (Superstars) to General Managers. The General Managers have a few rights above Superstars that help the Chairman at performing important Alliance activities.

Forming a mighty Alliance doesn't end with just creating one. It's an ever-evolving activity that helps you get to the top of the Alliance Leaderboards and and stay there. So, Create your Alliance now if you haven't yet, and start your fight for Dominance on the Leaderboard.

Know More about other aspects of Alliance on the links below:

WWE Mayhem Alliance

Alliance Hierarchy and Rights

Alliance Member Profile

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